Country Naturals Grain Free Whitefish Dog Food
Our Grain Free Whitefish Meal Recipe is a non-GMO, limited ingredient dry food with healthy, high-quality whitefish meal as the first ingredient. Whitefish is an excellent high-quality protein source for dogs, and a great alternative for dogs with chicken allergies. Additionally, fish is relatively low in saturated fat and empty calories making it a good choice for weight maintenance. As in all our dry foods, the protein in Grain Free Whitefish Meal Recipe is over 70% from animal sources and we use a slow-cook low-temperature process which helps retain the maximum nutritional value from all our ingredients.
Why We Love It
- Over 70% Protein from animal sources
- Supports healthy digestion with probiotics and brown rice
- Superior nutrient retention with our slow-cook, low-temp process
About Grandma Mae's
A pet food is only as good as its ingredients. At Grandma Mae?s Country Naturals we buy the highest quality ingredients available only in small quantities, and whenever possible, sourced from family farms and non-GMO. Almost all our ingredients come from the USA and our products have never had a recall.